Noise Exposure at Work
By : NTi Audio
• Measure noise exposure at work according to directive 2003/10/EC
• Confirm compliance with health standards ISO 1999:1990
• Prevent hearing loss at work
Noise Exposure at Work
By : NTi Audio
• Measure noise exposure at work according to directive 2003/10/EC
• Confirm compliance with health standards ISO 1999:1990
• Prevent hearing loss at work
• Handheld and compact design for field applications
• Calibrated acoustic measurement system
• Improved efficiency with dedicated measurement profiles and appending test results to previous data records
• Automated sound level documentation and high resolution wav-file recording in 24 Bit / 48 kHz format to SD Card
XL2 Measurement Functions
Sound Pressure Level SPL
for Industrial sound pollution monitoring
• LAeq (averaged sound level with A-weighting)
• LCpeak (peak sound level with C-weighting)
Stack Light
Alarms at exceeding sound levels, thus employees near the test station are notified immediately.
Noise exposure level LEX,8h
The Noise at Work Directive 2003/10/EC reduces the risk of hearing damage for employees. The action limits are
LEX,8h LCpeak Action
Lower limit value 80 dB(A) 135 dB recommend wearing hearing protectors
Upper limit value 85 dB(A) 137 dB hearing protectors must be worn and noise level reduced as possible
Exposure limit 87 dB(A) 140 dB employee with hearing protectors shall never exceed this limits
Determination of Noise Exposure Level LEX,8h:
• At steady noise (applies for LAS deviation is < 5 dB)
Measure the LAeq over a few minutes, the resulting LAeq represents the noise exposure level of the complete 8 hours period LEX,8h = LAeq. The following formula applies for a daily exposure time ≠ 8 hours:
LEX,8h = LAeq + 10 x log ( T / 8 hours )
• At steady noise with stepwise level variations
(applies for steady noise at clearly distinguishable levels)
Measure the LAeq at the different levels and note the corresponding exposure time. Enter all data in the NTi Audio noise exposure level post processing form; the LEX,8h will be calculated and displayed.
• At varying noise levels:
LEX,8h = LAeq measured for 8 hours