Model : FP 111
The Flow Probe uses true velocity averaging. To start a running average, first hold the reset button for 3 seconds to zero the display.
Model : FP 111
The Flow Probe uses true velocity averaging. To start a running average, first hold the reset button for 3 seconds to zero the display. When the probe is placed in the water flow, an average will begin. As long as thewater velocity sensor remains in the flow, the averaging continues. Once the average reading becomes steady, the true average velocity has been obtained. When you remove the Flow Probe from the water, the average value is frozen on the display until reset.
Range : 0.3-15 FPS ( 0.1-4.5 MPS)
Accuracy : 0.1 FPS
Averaging True digital running average. Readings taken once per second
Display : LCD
Sensor Type Protected Turbo-Prop propeller with electro-magnetic pickup
Weight : 2 pounds ( 10 lbs. U.S., 14 lbs. International shipping weight)
Size Length : 3′ to 6′
Materials : PVC anodized aluminum, stainless steel bearing
Power Internal watch type batteries : 1 year life
Operating Temperature : 0 to 120 F
Carrying Case : The Flow Probe is shipped in a padded carrying case